Lehrausgang zur Ausstellung “Out of Control“ der Arbeiterkammer Wien


Lehrausgang zur Ausstellung “Out of Control“ der Arbeiterkammer Wien mit der Klasse 2B unter der Leitung von Margot Nessmann am 28.2.2019

Our class went the Arbeiterkammer to learn about the internet, and how dangerous it can be. While learning about how even phones that look broken and off, can film and hear what we say, we had a lot of fun. It was very exciting for the whole class. Some of us noticed how quiet our class can be when we are interested in a topic. We really enjoyed the trip. (Nabiha und Sophie)

The trip to the Arbeiterkammer was very interesting and informing, it warned us about people stealing our data and using it to seduce us. We also had free time and could see what they have there and we also found out that even though the phone is broken it can still film us. Now we know how to be safe and how to use our data without being scared. (Hanna)

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